nihr doctoral fellowship interview

Applicants need to explain who they are planning to recruit to ensure inclusivity of study participants and justify and explain any exclusions, for example by completing an Equality Impact Assessment. Proposed studies should be within the remit of the NIHR, and the outcomes measured should be health/social care related, or there should be good evidence for a link between the outcome measured and a health/social care outcome. Professor Anne Lingford -Hughes. Please note it is often the case that one of the participants named in this section is also named in the Participants and Signatory section of the form. NIHRFellowships are not project or programme grants; therefore, extensions to the duration of awards to allow for completion of research and/or training and development are not permitted. In addition, theNIHRare wanting to promote and increase the number of people with the necessary skills and experience to work at the interface betweenHEIs, industry and the NHS. If you have applied for a Doctoral or Advanced Fellowship you wont be able to apply again in the round that opens 6 months later and will need to wait until at least the round which opens 12 months after your first application. To find out more about how you can apply for this additional support to help deliver your study. For applicants looking to move their research career into the area ofMLTC-M, the transitional element of the Advanced Fellowship which is typically used by individuals looking to transition into applied health or social care research from a basic science or non-health/care research background could be utilised. Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft. This does not include applications to predecessors of this new programme (e.g. In most cases applicants will not be able to request more than 8 years worth of funding across 2 Advanced Fellowships, however there may be certain exceptional circumstances where more than 8 years worth of funding is appropriate. When she wrote her successful fellowship application last year, she reached out to the NIHR Research Design Service North West for support and funding for involvement in writing her application. It is important that the Training and Development Programme is tailored to your specific needs and complements the research being proposed as part of the Fellowship. Whilst the scope of what an Advanced Fellowship can be used for is broad, you are asked to indicate which of the following uses of an Advanced Fellowship best describes your application. This means that in the situation where there are more fundable applications to a NIHRCharity Partnership Fellowship than there are fellowships available, the remainingfundable applications will be considered as standard NIHR Fellowships. Individuals must not already hold a Chair at the point of application. If you have queries over whether the research you are proposing as part of a research training application falls within the NIHR remit you are strongly advised to speak to a Programme Manager for the award you are applying for before submitting an application. The institute conducts rigorous scholarly research and takes a critical and quantitative approach to the study of . Please also select the duration of award between 2 and 5 years WTE. This type of activity can also be referred to as implementation and implementation research. Please see the 'Application Submission Process Flow Diagram (Annex C) for further information. Without it, your application will not be validated and you will not be able to submit. Post-Doctoral Fellowships. Uploads below). Information and resources to assist you can be found on the INVOLVE website (, briefing notes for researchers on how to involve patients and the public, involvement cost calculator and budgeting guide, Provide a clear explanation of the health or care problem to be addressed, the impact on patients. If hosted by another institution a direct collaboration with and benefit to Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust must be demonstrated in order to be eligible to apply for a Partnership Fellowship. We will consider funding the development of models where there is a case for service need or patient/service user/carer/public benefit. Your data may be shared across the NIHR, including with other coordinating centres, to allow the application to be managed and for statistical analysis, and with external grant reviewers as part of the process for managing the allocation of a grant. patient/service user, carer and public involvement. It is important to double check that the % WTE, total months and yearly costs information are consistent with the information presented in Details of Posts and Salaries (Details of Posts and Salaries should show the full current staff costs independent of % WTE etc, whereas the yearly costs in Salary Costs depend on % WTE etc). The individuals you list here are required to complete the Participants and Signatory section of the application form. A good quality plain English summary providing an easy to read overview of your whole study will help; If it is felt that your plain English summary is not clear and of a good quality, then you may be required to amend it prior to final funding approval. Applying for for an NIHR Pre-doctoral or Doctoral Fellowship? Please itemise and describe fully the costs associated with training and development. We would not normally expect the time commitment of any individual costed into the application other than the applicant or member of support staff to exceed 0.3 WTE. Partnerships between school staff and mental health professionals have the potential to improve access to mental health support for students, but uncertainty remains regarding whether and how they . This includes guidance on how to go about approaching a suitableCTUto support your application. Conference costs dont need to be individually itemised for each conference. I decided to wear the same dress I wore at my successful NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship interview AND at my PhD viva. If applicants are successful in being awarded anNIHRFellowship while simultaneously being involved in anotherNIHRresearch training award competition, they will be asked to decide which programme they would like to continue with and will be withdrawn from the other. A list of relevant knowledge mobilisation and implementation literature is available on the NIHR website. 2. Please use this question to detail any mitigating factors you wish to make the Selection Committee aware of. Proposed studies would need to demonstrate the potential for practical application and make clear the potential impact on patients/service users, carers and/or the public. This tool provides a standardised approach across England, ensuring that the attribution of study activities complies with the Department of Health and Social Care Guidance on Attributing the Costs of Health and Social Care Research and Development (AcoRD). NHS Support Costs will be funded via the Clinical Research Networks. Proposed studies should be within the remit of the NIHR and should concern the impact on health and well-being, whether of patients/service users, carers, the public, or of the workforce itself. Once funding for a Fellowship has been discussed and agreed, NIHR will confirm the financial arrangements with the host organisation. This is a 3-year full-time Fellowship supported by a National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Doctoral Fellowship, funded by the Welsh Government through Health and Care Research Wales (NIHR-FS-19). The Apprenticeship Levy can be included in the salary costs where relevant. For clinical/practice applicants (including social care practitioners), please also use this space to indicate if you will be using the award to undertake clinical/practice sessions. You should indicate in the Training and Development section of the application if you are requesting time for clinical sessions to be covered by the award. Costs of computers are normally restricted to a maximum of 1000 each excluding VAT and a statement of justification must be included, in the relevant Justification of Costs section for any purchase above this limit. Scotland is not participating in the programme in this round. 1Centre for outcomes and experience research in Child Health, Illness and Disability, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children; 2Great Ormond Street Hospital Biomedical Research Centre 10.1136/archdischild-2023-gosh.11 A number of participants and a signatory are required to be added to your application and, where applicable, to complete sections of it. Applicants should use the list below to check that they have included the necessary information prior to submitting their application. If voluntary, charity, or community groups are supporting the research via activities such as facilitating contact with potential participants, hosting research activities, or providing advice, an adequate budget must be included to compensate for their time and resources. Any study that uses observational and applied epidemiological methods should be an evaluation of an intervention itself, or have a clear, credible and articulated trajectory to further research within NIHR programme remits. HEI, NHS or other). The roles are funded by the NIHR and Alzheimer's Society, as part of a 7.5 national investment in dementia research, announced in July. Sign up to our mailing list The totals for excess treatment costs and NHS support costs calculated by using the SoECAT can be entered directly into the application form. Gail Distefano is a Medical Physicist specialising in Radiotherapy Physics at the Royal Surrey Hospital. EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellow . We will only fund primary research where the proposed research is informed by a review of the existing evidence. The 'NIHR School for Public Health Research (SPHR) post-doctoral launching fellowships in Public Health Research' will be available for up to 24 months offering those appointed the opportunity to consolidate and build their CV and to prepare funding applications to secure future funding (e.g. The NIHR is looking for innovative and creative proposals that seek to increase the effectiveness of knowledge mobilisation within NHS settings (and other publicly funded organisations providing health or social care services, as described above), and increase our understanding of knowledge mobilisation and implementation processes. Quote Tweet. Your data may be shared across the NIHR, including with other coordinating centres, to allow the application to be managed and for statistical analysis, and with external grant reviewers as part of the process for managing the allocation of a grant. You must provide a clear and full justification for all costs including NHS/social care costs. Save. The Primary Supervisor must also confirm that the information provided by you describes the status of your current / proposed research doctorate studies and also confirm that any proposed part-time study arrangements have been agreed and meet HEI regulations. Up to 100% of costs will be paid. Youshould include; the training and development the collaboration will provide; the facilities and expertise you will have access to; and how the collaboration will strengthen links between academia, industry and the NHS/social care. An infectious disease of long duration, such as HIV or hepatitis C. The overall remit of theNIHRis early translational (experimental medicine), clinical and applied health research, and social care research. For Employers. This section includes non-reusable items specific to the research. If you dont fit with one of these areas, please contact the NIHR who will be happy to discuss your proposed application with you. Please provide a summary below of the proposed PPI activities embedded throughout the research project lifecycle. This notice is under constant review and will be updated and / or revised based on that review as appropriate. As such, the Head of Department will be required to complete questions in the Training & Development and Research Support section of the application. Sign In to Employer Centre. If undertaking part-time this should be reduced accordingly up to a maximum of 20%. Please clearly signpost to other sections of the Detailed Research Plan where the PPI is described further in relation to the relevant project stage e.g., dissemination, intervention design, data collection, analysis. please select whether you wish to hold the Fellowship on a full-time basis, or part-time basis at 50% WTE or above. Please note that all of the steps described here need to take place before the deadline of, Should you require assistance in completing the online form, please contact the NIHR at 0113 532 8410 or by emailing. During my NIHR In-Practice Fellowship (1/12/2014 to 30/11/2016), I conducted a feasibility study using large database of electronic health records from general practice (Clinical Practice Research Datalink - CPRD) to examine trends in abortions in UK general practice. A PhD undertaken as part of one of our programmes is for three years. TheMRCand the HRA have designed a tool to help you decide whether you needethical approval. (PPI, full budget breakdown and the SOECAT) must be . At school, interested in biology not sure about being a doctor. The information you share with the monitoring system: Advanced Fellowship award holders requiring a visa to work in the UK are eligible to apply for a Global Talent visa under the fast-track process of endorsement. Finally, I thought about the set. Contributions to research-based knowledge on knowledge mobilisation may be made directly through research and evaluation embedded in the Fellowship, as well as through careful collaboration with research partners over the lifetime of the project. When considering the length of Advanced Fellowship, both in terms of WTE and the length of the award, careful thought should be given to the following: Higher Education Institutions (Proportion funded), NHS/other organisations (Proportion funded), 80% (with the exception of conference related costs, which are paid at 100%), Training and development(but not any travel or subsistence which should appear inTravel, subsistence and conference fees), Other partner organisation indirect costs. 1. Four different types of Fellowship are available: These guidance notes provide information for individuals and their host organisations looking to submit an application to the Doctoral or Advanced Fellowship. The Advanced Fellowship is for those at a post-doctoral level and can be . What is the problem being addressed?Provide a clear explanation of the health or care problem to be addressed, the impact on patients/service users, carers as well as health and care services, and how this research would fill a demonstrable evidence gap. Guidance on the application process for ethical and other approvals can be found on theHRAwebsite. All costs in this section will be funded at up to 100% for HEI, NHS, social care and commercial/other partner organisations. Job. These proposals will include plans for undertaking innovative knowledge mobilisation (that is, to support the more effective use of research knowledge) whilst simultaneously researching implementation processes and impacts. Applications which include a programme of work where the majority of the work is out of remit, but with a small study within NIHR remit added on, will not be considered. Career breaks due to parental leave, or periods of illness. For Advanced Fellowships, which are between 2 and 5 years WTE, you will need to select the number of WTE years and % WTE requested and the total duration of the award will be automatically calculated in months (Annex D). The fellowship can be undertaken over a 12, 18 or 24 month period depending on the level of training required, and applicants have the option to complete it on a full or part time basis. For example, if you were a Clinical Lecturer and undertook research for 2.5 days a week and clinical/practice work for 2.5 days per week; please enter 50% for that position. Check funding opportunities for details of latest funding rounds. Applications for Global Health research are out of remit forNIHRFellowships. Some programmes may offer opportunities for additional support pre- or post-PhD. The contracting agent for the NIHR Academy Executive is the Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust (LTHT). Collaborations, service and support for your research, Access facilities for early stage research, Access data, patient cohorts or samples support, Participant in research experience survey, Research Governance Framework for Health & Care, Health Research Authoritys (HRA) website, committee membership can be found on our website, PPI(Patient and Public Involvement) resources for applicants toNIHRresearch programmes,, Department of Health and Social Care Freedom of Information Publication Scheme. Attributing the costs of health and social care research and development (AcoRD). If the name of your Host Organisation does not appear in the pre-populated list, please email. Commercial/Other Partner Organisations should calculate them, using their own cost rates. The Global Talent visa is designed for people who are recognised as leaders and potential leaders in their field. Call: 0113 532 8410 Email:, and detail which fellowship programme you are enquiring about in the subject area. Have a proposed host who is an HEI, NHS body, or other provider of health and/or care services. Explain why your approach to patient and public involvement is appropriate for this proposal. and find out about help with planning your fellowship pathway and interview preparation. Your application must have been submitted by the deadline and the signatory must have approved your application by this time using the Academy Research Awards Management Information System (ARAMIS) online application system. All applications are expected to have appropriate HEI, NHS, social care, commercial and other partner organisations input into the finance section of the application form. The selection committee shortlisted 37 DFs for interview, applicants were interviewed between 17th and 18th of November 2020. although this is not exclusive and applicants may choose to use other related approaches. The NIHR School . The NIHR Advanced Fellowship is aimed at individuals at various points of their career. Proposals will also involve close collaborations with the users of the research within the health and social care setting. Please note that only applicants with researchPhDsare eligible. Please describe the health or social care service setting or context in which the study will take place (such as the organisation or service type,). A. If you require any further information, advice or guidance please contact us: The following FAQs are designed to help applicants decide whether the research they are proposing as part of a Fellowship or other research training application falls within the remit of the NIHR.

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nihr doctoral fellowship interview

nihr doctoral fellowship interview
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